Moscu Films S.A.S., with commitment to respect the privacy of information, based on the Political Constitution of Colombia and particularly with the Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory rights and/or complementary provisions, presents and designs a treatment policy and privacy, establishes the conditions, terms and purposes which carry out the processing, collection, storage, use, circulation, rectification, deletion and in general the treatment of the personal data of the owner, whether these are of an employee or a supplier. In addition, it establishes the appropriate conditions of confidentiality and security with which said information will be processed and the different internal processes and procedures established so that the owner of the data collected as a right can know, update, rectify, delete, and revoke their information. That is why the owner authorizes by any means used by Moscu Films S.A.S., whether through the website, physical means (authorization letter), call and/or contact center, the corresponding treatment of their personal data in terms of management of collections.

Administration and Purpose of Data Processing

See Section 3.3. Purpose of the Treatment of the Manual “GC-MN-02 DATA PROTECTION MANUAL

Security of the information

Currently, Moscu Films S.A.S., has a comprehensive policy, where the continuous monitoring, controls, good practices in risk management derived from electronic threats and vulnerabilities, malicious codes, privacy, human factors, physical environment, and business continuity management. This without excluding the general provisions issued by the Law 1581 of 2012 of the Colombian Government on Information Security.

Procedures for the exercise of rights that the owner has for the treatment of their information

See Chapter IV of the Manual “GC-MN-02 DATA PROTECTION MANUAL”. Its validity and modifications to this Moscu Films S.A.S., reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, however, any changes made will be informed on our corporate website (